Sunday, August 8, 2010

Acceptance, Understanding, Wisdom and Compassion

The following, is a basic method to handle karma in oneself and others in the world. We'll start with two styles of acceptance that I have thought of.

Acceptance #1
This style of acceptance, deals with acceptance with right view of what you're thinking of. It can simply be that this thing is good or bad, healthy or unhealthy. It's basically, boxing things in in a natural way.

Acceptance #2
This second style of acceptance, is way more general. Instead of boxing, lets say suffering, as a bad thing, just accept it, almost neutrally, knowing that even bad things can bring good into your life. Bad things in your life can bring you to great places, great paths, to grow in wisdom, relate more with those who suffer and grow in compassion. It's just a way positive outlook on life. One example of this, that I have done; someone who was harassing me, I treated this person as my guru. I thought, what is this person showing me that I can learn about myself. So instead of seeing the situation as completely a bad thing, I saw it as something to grow from.

After accepting what suffering or bad karma there is in yours or somebody elses life, understanding of it is a great next step. See what sort of attachments are in you or the other persons life. As attachments, I mean, what is this person holding onto that causes them to act in whatever unruly or negative manner. This, is understanding. I consider this also, planting seeds of understanding which sprout into wisdom and compassion.

Wisdom and compassion
Once you have come to terms with the problem, and have brought as much understanding to it as you can, wisdom and compassion should be almost natural. With wisdom and love comes forgiveness. Forgiveness of oneself, or forgiveness of another. It ties well into humbleness. Knowing that you can make mistakes and so can the other. Like they say in the bible; you're born into sin; born a sinner.

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