What is... you could take away the is, and just remain with what. So what's what... This here is what. Your experience in the moment is what. Enlightenment is never this far off goal where you'll be all blissful and know all these secret mystical realizations about life; that's what. Enlightenment is what is here and now. What what? ... simply... this what.
I prefer the question" What am I?" rather than "who am I?". What am I; it gets to the bare bones of the matter. Keep asking yourself this question and you'll realize that inside is outside; outside is inside. You may even feel that there's a background of consciousness behind everything that has, was and ever existed; like a canvas onto which the world is painted. I've felt this to the point of feeling that a chair in front of me, was as much me as I am me. I could literally feel the chair through this connection of underlying consciousness. Like the Buddha said; everything is not two but not necessarily one.
Meditate on the sound OM long enough, and you might feel this connection; it's the sound all of the universe reverberates at. With OM you realize that you're not just the one looking at an object, but that object is looking back at you. Trippy realization, kinda quantum physicsy, but way cool if you're after spiritual truths about the world.
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